PUF or Projects Unfinished

"What is a PUF?" you ask.  Some call it a work in progress (WIP), but I call them  projects unfinished or PUFs just because I want to be different and I like how it sounds. Currently I have three PUFs going.

PUF #1
I began  work on this Regency romance about a year ago.  Loved the idea of taking Pygmalia and turning it on its ear, but I got stuck in the middle.  A decision must be made: scrap it or rewrite it. 

PUF #2
This little story began as a possible novella or short story, but keeps getting longer.  The action occurs at the end of Queen Elizabeth's I reign allowing me to indulge in one of my most loved time periods. I've discovered some remarkable history regarding mid-wives, wise women, the cunning folk, and white witches along the way, which makes writing that much more satisfying.

PUF #3
The third WIP came to me one day while researching #1.  I stumbled upon a book about English head gardeners.  As I read bits from the book on Amazon, a storyline began to take shape, what if a rugged, hard working head gardener of a grand estate had a daughter and the Earl a son?   Hmmm...thus began my next project.

There's a common thread that runs through each of the stories beyond the romance.  Each one weaves the history of flowers and/or herbs into the story, which satisfies my love for gardening.

I have one more romance I wrote many years ago sitting in a box.  It too revolves around love and the world of gardening.  And just the other day I came across a historical tid-bit about early florists.  Yep, another story has been jotted down on my ideas list.  Who knows...this could become a whole series of flowery romances.    

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